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Q: Where did Lewis p. Haslett invented the first gas mask?
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The first oxygen mask was invented by a gentleman by the name of Lewis Haslett in 1847. The device protected the lungs and was actually more like a gas mask at that time.

Who invented the oxygen?

The first oxygen mask was invented by a gentleman by the name of Lewis Haslett in 1847. The device protected the lungs and was actually more like a gas mask at that time.

What was Lewis p haslett's life about before he invented the gas mask?

Nothing he invented it when he popped out of the womb

Who is Lewis p Haslett?

Lewis P. Haslett was an American inventor known for developing the first practical water meter in 1849. His invention revolutionized the measurement of water usage and became essential for utility companies to accurately bill customers for water consumption.

Who invented the gas mask FOR World War I?

Lewis hasletts made the gas mask for world war 1by joy clemons

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up your butt

Who invented the gas mask and the traffic light?

the first traffic light was invented in usa i didin't know who invented it the first traffic light was not automatic someone is controling it that what i all know about the trafffic light i don't know who invented the gas mask

Who invented the gas mask and the electric traffic light?

the first traffic light was invented in usa i didin't know who invented it the first traffic light was not automatic someone is controling it that what i all know about the trafffic light i don't know who invented the gas mask

When where masquerade masks first invented?

The Masquerade mask was invented to were at balls in the 13th century when it then became a tradition.

How did Mask Lewis die?

Charles 'Mask' Lewis died in a car crash on March 11, 2009.

When was the first catcher's mask worn?

The catcher's mask was invented in the mid 1870s by a player on the Harvard baseball team. Click on the 'Invention of the Catcher's Mask' link on this page to read an article about that Harvard team and the catcher that invented the mask.

Who invented the venetian mask?

you invented the venetian masks