

Where did Lincoln receive most of his votes from?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Where did Lincoln receive most of his votes from?
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What percentage of votes did Lincoln receive for the presidential election?


Did Abraham Lincoln receive a majorty of the popular votes?

No. He received about 39% in a four way race. He did, however, receive a majority in the Electoral College.

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Why did Lincoln win the election?

Lincoln won because Americans loved him, so he got most of the votes.

How could Lincoln win the election with 40 percent of the vote?

Lincoln won the 1860 election because he had the most votes. He didn't have a majority by himself, but there were four candidates running and he had more than the others.

How did Lincoln do in the election of 1864?

Abraham Lincoln defeated Democrat George McClellan in the election 0f 1864. Lincoln won 212 electoral votes to McClellan's 21 votes, and Lincoln beat McClellan by approximately 403,000 popular votes.

What are the states who Lincoln received no popular votes?

Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas. In the 1860 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 180 electoral votes (59.4%), John Breckinridge received 72 electoral votes, John Bell received 39 electoral votes, and Stephen Douglas received 12 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Lincoln 1,865,908 (39.8%), Breckinridge 848,019 (18.1%), Bell 590,901 (12.6%), and Douglas 1,380,202 (29.5%). Lincoln received his 180 electoral votes from 18 of the 33 states. He did not receive electoral votes from any southern state. Abraham Lincoln was not on the ballot in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

How many votes did Democratic presidential nominee George B McClellan receive in the 1864 election?

President Abraham Lincoln won the 1864 presidential election over George B. McClellan by a significant margin. He did, however, as a first time politician receive 1.8 million votes.

How many votes did Douglas receive in 1860?

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas. In the 1860 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 180 electoral votes (59.4), John Breckinridge received 72 electoral votes, John Bell received 39 electoral votes, and Stephen Douglas received 12 electoral votes. Douglas received votes from Missouri and New Jersey. Douglas received Missouri's 9 electoral votes. New Jersey electors split their vote giving 4 to Lincoln and 3 to Douglas.

How many electoral votes did Abraham Lincoln have?

In the 1860 US Presidential Election, Abraham Lincoln won 180 of a possible 303 electoral votes. He needed a simple majority, or 152 votes, to win the election. The candidate with the 2nd most electoral votes was John C. Breckinridge, who captured 72 electoral votes. In the 1860 election, Lincoln's primary support base was the Northeast and the Midwest, which accounted for nearly all of his electoral votes. His competitor Breckinridge collected most of the Southern votes.

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Did John Q Adams receive the most electoral votes in the election of 1824?

No, Andrew Jackson did.