

Where did Magellan ride in that five ships?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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The English use THOSE not THAT for a number of things. THAT is used for the singular.

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Q: Where did Magellan ride in that five ships?
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What were the 4 ships Ferdinand Magellan took?

There were five ships under Magellan's command - Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción, Victoria, and Santiago Magellan had five ships - Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción, Victoria, and Santiago - when he left Seville, Spain, in 1519 in an attempt to sail around the world.

How did Magellan arrived on the archipelago?

When Ferdinand Magellan traveled to the Philippine archipelago with a fleet of five ships provided by King Charles V. Magellan commanded the flagship christened the Trinidad.

When did Magellans trip start?

Magellan's five ships left Spain on September 20, 1519.

What did Ferdinand Magellan traveled in?

He travelled in one of the five other ships and a total of 250 men.

What are Magellan's ships?

There were 5 ships in Magellan's expedition, namely Concepcion, Trinidad, Santiago, San Antonio, and Victoria. Among these, Victoria completed the journey from Spain, to Philippines, got the spices from Moluccas Islands and came back to Spain with the spices, of course.

What impact did Magellan have on history?

Ferdinand Magellan, who was killed in the Philippines, was the commander of five ships that tried to sail around the world with Spain as their point of origin. Only One of the five ships completed the circumnavigation of the globe. Ferdinand Magellan is credited as the person who proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth is oval shaped by leading, (most of the way), a bunch of ships around the world.

How many magellan's ships completed the journey?

Of the five ships that Ferdinand Magellan took on his Pacific Ocean expedition, only one, the Victoria, returned to Spain. It was commanded by captain Juan Sebastián Elcano, who led the expedition after Magellan was killed on the island of Mactan (now part of the Philippines).

How many ships Magellan had arrive in the philippine?

Magellan had 5 ships when he came but some people said it is 21.

What dangerous waters did Magellan lose two ships?

I think the Strait of Magellan

How many man sailed on Ferdinand Magellan's ships?

521 men (including Magellan)

What year did ferdinand magellan sail?


What are the Ships of Ferdinand Magellan to travel?

the Nina