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Q: Where did Martha dandridge and her family live?
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Who is in George Washington's family?

Martha Dandridge Custis that's his wife

Who is George Washingtons family?

Martha Dandridge Custis that's his wife

George Washington married Martha Dandridge?

Martha Dandridge Custis

What was George Washington's wife last name?

Martha's maiden name was Dandridge. She then married Daniel Parke Custis, who was 20 years her senior; Custis died 7 years later.When Martha married George Washington, 2 years after her first husband died, she was known as Martha Dandridge Custis.

What is Martha Washington's full name?

Martha dandridge custis Washington Martha dandridge custis Washington

Where dod Martha Washington live?

She lived in Virgina with her 2 children 1)Marta "Patsy"Dandridge 2)John "Jacky" Dandridge

What was Washington's wife Martha's maiden name before she married Daniel parke custis?

Martha's last name was Dandridge. Martha Dandridge Custis.

Who was george washingtons wife?

Maratha Dandridge CustisMaratha Dandridge CustisMaratha Dandridge CustisMaratha Dandridge CustisMaratha Dandridge CustisMaratha Dandridge CustisMaratha Dandridge Custisgeorge bushMartha Custis

Did George Washington marry Martha Dandridge?

Yes, he did. Mr. Chamberlain invited George to dinner, where he met Martha Dandridge Custis.

Is Martha dandridge related to Dorothy dandridge?

i understand that our first lady Martha Washington ,before she became Custis,Washington ,her maiden name was Dandridge could it be, that she may have been related to the late great actress Dorothy Dandridge

What was the name of georges washingtons wife?

Martha dandridge custis

Where was martha dandridge born?

In Virginia Colony.