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Tell me, where did Moses get the idea to call the Hebrews to God? The answer is: it was not his idea. God called him to deliver the message. Same with Muhammad. He was called, all of a sudden, by God. He had no idea before that.

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Q: Where did Muhamad get the idea of starting the Islam religion?
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How do you say do you have a boyfriend in Islam?

You can't. Islam is a religion NOT a language. I also understand that the religion would forbid any idea of girls having boyfriends.

The central idea of Islam is most similar to what other religion?

Judaism, :)

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Well i think it is a good idea just to experience Islam for a few days and get use to the idea of this religion. Then you can make the decision to wear a hijab.

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"The final religion ISLAM". That is part of the answer to the question. Invite people. Don't shove it down people's throats. That's why most people find the idea revolting. And it is not only Islam, but Christianity, and any other religion that tries to strong-arm people. You invite, God does the rest. Some very enthusiastic religious people don't get that.

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No idea. But they said in their last hang out that some of their sibllings converted to Islam.

What is the main idea of the section The Life and Teachings of Muhammad?

Muhammad established the religion of Islam and spread Islamic beliefs and way of life across the Arabian peninsula.

Is Islam a race or religion?

Islam is a RELIGION; it is not a race. Like all other religions, Islam has a series of supernatural beliefs about the world, divinities who should be worshiped, particular rituals for doing this, and a moral philosophy. Additionally, Islam is not a race since the devotees (Muslims) come from many races, particularly from the the South Asian, Arab, Austronesian, African, and White races. However, since most Muslims are not White, many people lazily consider Islam a race in order to say that discrimination against Muslims or hatred of Islam is racist. This is in incorrect. Discrimination against Muslims is Religious Discrimination and hatred of Islam is no different than hatred of any other idea; simply an annoyance.

Who invented Muslim?

No one can invent a religion, but it could be founded by someone. According to history,Islam was founded by Muhammad(the last prophet) he had spread the idea of Islam to people in Makkah, but many people who converted to Islam there were persecuted. So Muhammad and some of his followers traveled to Yathrib and later was called Medina. Many people in Medina converted to Islam.

Which religion is most common in the us?

Christianity.That's also the religion our country was founded on. [actually, the U.S. was founded on the idea of freedom of religion.]Christianity is the most common religion in America.

What is Islum?

Islam is an Abrahamic religion based on the dogma of absolute monotheism and taking its source in the Koran, considered as the receptacle of the revealed word of God, in the seventh century in Arabia, to Muhammad, proclaimed by the adherents of the Islam as the last prophet of Allah.

What is the name for the idea that government should be separate from religion?

Secularism A Idea That Goverment Should Be Separate From Religion.

Does Google have anything to do with Islam?

Now where did you get that idea i dont know if a Muslim person made it or what but no it has nothing to do with Islam.