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somewhere in london?

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Q: Where did Shakespeare study to become a playwright and actor?
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Related questions

How can you become a playwright?

You have to study theater and creative writing. They have a major for that. Do some research to see which colleges offer playwright as a major.

How long will you have to study after high school to become an actor?

i think we should study for 3 to 4 years

Why did people study Cleopatra?

People study Cleopatra because of all the myth and misinformation generated about her. Shakespeare was the unintentional worst deliverer of misinformation because of his play. People mistook Shakespeare for a historian and not a playwright so all sorts of fantasies grew about her. They also believed the propaganda generated by Octavian concerning her.

How exactly does one become an actor?

You become an actor by taking classes in school such as Improv, Commercials and Scene Study. After you have the schooling, you must try to get noticed by performing in civil theaters. Eventually, you get an agent and then move forward from there.

Did shakespeare go to a university to study?


What did Shakespeare study after Grammar School?

Shakespeare did not continue his studies after grammar school

How would you become an actor?

Go to college and study acting and drama. Get roles in lots of stage plays and get your name known to others and your community. Becoming a successful actor takes lots of work and time.

Did William shakespeare study marital art?

No he did not

What version of the Bible did Shakespeare use?

The Geneva Study Bible The Geneva Study Bible

Why Do We Study Shakespeare At School In KS3?

because its educational and its easy to read and Shakespeare was a very inspirational writer

Who did Shakespeare study at school?

Ovid, Plutarch, guys like that.

What did Shakespeare study at his local grade school?

a school and a subject