

Where did a a medieval serf live?

Updated: 11/25/2022
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11y ago

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Serfs lived in run down huts that had no windows or floors.

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Nat Olson

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Q: Where did a a medieval serf live?
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What does a medieval times serf wear?

A medieval times serf wore ragged and old clothing because they were the lowest form of feudalism.

Where did a medieval serf live?

tiEle viviam casas humildes, ficava na beira das terras cultivaveis

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serf ownership of property

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Some lived in convents, but serf women lived in huts or rude houses, and noblewomen lived in castles and manors.

What is the relationship between knight and serf?

their all from medieval times

Were did reeve's live in a medieval village?

A Reeve was a serf who was elected by the other serfs to supervise the village. He lived and worked in the village just as any other serf did. He proably did a bit better than the average serf due to the privledges of his position, but the fact that he was elected annyually by the villagers probably limited his corruption somewhat.

What did a serf do in medieval time?

they where like peasants but lived in the castle to help royalty

Could a serf in Medieval Europe have money?

yes-secretly -found it -stole it