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Q: Where did a herrerasaurus live?
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What does herrarerasauras dinosaur enemeis?

Herrerasaurus was one of the largest predators in its habitat. The only one larger was Saurosuchus, and it would have hunted Herrerasaurus.

How old is herrasaurus?

Herrerasaurus is believed to be about 228 million years old.

Does a herrerasaurus hatch its eggs r leave it alone?

leave alone

What is bigger herrerasaurus or eoraptor?

Herrerasaurus, with an estimated 200-300 kg in weight, was quite a bit larger than Eoraptor, which was the size of a turkey (an estimated 10 kg in weight). In fact, considering that these dinosaurs lived in the same place and at the same time (Late Triassic South America), Herrerasaurus might have actually hunted and eaten the smaller Eoraptor!

The most early dinosaurs?

So far, Herrerasaurus is among the earliest known Dinosaur

What meat eating dinosaurs from the Triassic period?

Coelophysis, Herrerasaurus, Daemonosaurus, Eoraptor (possibly omnivorous), Lilliesternus.

What is one of the earlilest known dinosaur?

One of the earliest known dinosaurs is Eoraptor. Another is Herrerasaurus. They lived 231.4 million years ago.

Dinosaurs that start with the letter h?

Hadrosaurus Hagryphus Haplocanthosaurus Harpymimus Herrerasaurus Hesperosaurus Hypacrosaurus Hypselosaurus Hypsilophodon Heterodontosaurus Homalocephale Huayangosaurus Hylaeosaurus

What dinosaurs lived in the early mesozoic?

Most of the earliest known dinosaurs were theropods, such as Eoraptor, Herrerasaurus, and Coelophysis. There were also herbivorous prosauropods, such as Plateosaurus, and early ornithischians, such as Eocursor.

What was the earliest known dinosaur?

The earliest known dinosaurs were small, bipedal meat eaters (theropods). The oldest known genera are Eoraptor and Herrerasaurus, which both lived 231.4 million years ago.

Is it true that the first dinosaurs appeared in the triassic period?

Yes, the first dinosaurs evolved in the Triassic period. The earliest dinosaurs that have been discovered are Eoraptor and Herrerasaurus, which lived 231.4 million years ago.

Did the herrerasaurus have any life threatening struggles?

ALL wild animals face life-threatening struggles, mainly of two types: 1) finding enough to eat; 2) avoiding things trying to eat them.