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Q: Where did entrepreneurs get their money from?
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Who lends money to entrepreneurs?


What do entrepreneurs earn?

Entrepreneurs earn money by selling goods and services to businesses and consumers. The fewer costs they have the more money they make.

Why are entrepreneurs willing to take risk?


What is it that entrepreneurs risk losing when they start a business?

time and money

Why do venture capitalist supply money and other support to entrepreneurs?

In order receive a portion of the profits from the companies that they are helping develop

How much money yearly do entrepreneurs make?

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individuals who start new businesses, introduce new products, and improve management techniques (risked investing their own money in new industries

Why do entrepreneurs take risks?

Entrepreneurs take risks in order to make money. The bigger the risks they take the bigger the reward. The process is very similar to investors.

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Two ways people in peru make their money?

Agriculture/Farming and entrepreneurs

What are some tips for early entrepreneurs?

It is always a good time to invest your money. Do not be frightened off by the state of the market. You need to risk money to make money.

Why all can not become entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurship is extremely risky, and you can result in making billions or no money at all.