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Burning charcoal, wood and coal.

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Q: Where did heat energy used to melt metal ores come from?
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What heat energy is used to melt metal ores and where does it come from?


Where does heat come from to melt metal ores?


Where does the energy needed to melt the iron come from?

The energy comes from the heat to melt the iron

What produced the heat energy used to melt metal ores?


Does a metal spoon melt with heat?

it can

Why wont microwaves melt metal?

Although metal can get very hot a microwave does not produce enough energy to heat most metals to their melting points.

How can heat burn through metal?

After the heat source exceeds the melting point of the metal, by nature the metal will melt.

Does electrocution really melt silver?

If enough electrical energy is put into a metal, it can easily melt that metal.

Why is heat energy needed to melt a solid what is this heat energy called?

This energy is the enthalpy of fusion (or latent heat of fusion).

What metal is a liquid at room temperatrue?

Mercury is the only metal liquid at room temperature. Others come close, like Gallium, which will melt in your hand from body heat.

Can acid melt metal?

Don't confuse the process of melting, which is caused by heat, with the process of dissolving, which is caused by solvents such as acid. Acid can dissolve metal, but it does not melt metal.

What form of energy causes chocolate to melt?
