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Most of Shakespeare's plays take place in more than one place. But a lot of them take place, at least partly, in either England or what is now Italy (there was no such country as Italy in Shakespeare's day). Let's see how this pans out:

England: Merry Wives of Windsor, King Lear, Richard II, Richard III, Henry VI Part II, Henry VI Part III, Henry IV Part I, Henry IV Part II, Henry VIII and parts of King John, Henry VI Part 1, Cymbeline, and Henry V. (Nine whole plays and parts of four others)

Italy: Coriolanus and Titus Andronicus (Ancient Rome), Romeo and Juliet and the Two Gentlemen of Verona (Verona and partly in Milan), Much Ado About Nothing (Sicily), The Taming of the Shrew (Padua), The Merchant of Venice (Venice), parts of Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra (Ancient Rome), Othello (Venice), Cymbeline, All's Well that Ends Well (Florence), The Winter's Tale (Sicily) (Seven whole plays and parts of six others)

France: Love's Labour's Lost, and parts of King John, Henry VI Part 1, Henry V, and All's Well that Ends Well. (One whole play and parts of four others)

Greece: Timon of Athens, The Two Noble Kinsmen, A Midsummer Night's Dream, parts of Julius Caesar and Pericles (Mytilene). (Three whole plays and parts of two others)

Turkey: Troilus and Cressida (Troy was not far from modern Istanbul although it was more closely connected to Greece at the time), The Comedy of Errors (Ephesus, also a Greek city at the time), parts of Pericles (also Ephesus) (Two whole plays and parts of another)

And then the one-offs:

Cyprus: parts of Othello

Austria: Measure for Measure

Libya: parts of Pericles

Lebanon: parts of Pericles

Denmark: Hamlet

Egypt: parts of Antony and Cleopatra

Croatia: Twelfth Night, probably

Scotland: Macbeth

Czech Republic: Used to be called Bohemia, as found in The Winter's Tale, except that it has no seacoast. Maybe the Dalmatian coast was meant?

Plus, who knows where "the Forest of Arden" was supposed to be or where the mysterious island of The Tempest was. Somewhere near Malta maybe?

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Q: Where did most of shakespeares plays take place?
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