

Czech Republic

Located in Central Europe, Czech Republic is the home of Prague – one of the most visited cities in the world. It is a very rich country, not only in terms of economy, but also in terms of its vast culture.

629 Questions

What is the weather like in Prague in October?

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In October, the weather in Prague is generally mild with average temperatures ranging from 7°C to 14°C (45°F to 57°F). It can be quite cool, especially towards the end of the month, so it's advisable to pack layers and a light jacket. Rainfall is moderate, so it's a good idea to bring an umbrella or raincoat.

Where is uranium mined in Czech Republic?

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Uranium is mined in the Czech Republic mainly in the Ore Mountains, particularly around the town of Roznov. The country has a history of uranium mining dating back to the 1960s, with some of the largest deposits located in this region.

What is the capital of Czechoslovakia in four letters?

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The capital of Czechoslovakia was Prague.

What is the former name for the town of Russell in the bay of islands?

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Kororareka, which had the nickname 'Hellhole of the Pacific'.

What do they call Girl Scouts in Czech Republic?

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Girl Scouts in Czech Republic are called "Junák - český skaut".

Whats the absolute location for Czech Republic?

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The absolute location of Czech Republic is approximately 49.8175° N latitude and 15.4730° E longitude.

What happen when Czechoslovakia divided in?

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Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the Czech Republicand Slovakia.

What do you call someone from Prague?

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A person from Prague is called a Praguer or a Czech.

'I love you' in Czech?

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"Miluji tě" is 'I love you' in Czech.

What is the worlds largest consumer of champagne?

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I'm pretty sure it's France but who comes next?

What food do people of the Czech Republic eat?

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One food dish that is typical in Slovakia is stuffed cabbage. In Slovak, it is called plnená kapusta. This dish is actually common mainly in the eastern part of the country. The dishes common in the rest are baked chicken with rice, various kinds of schnitzel (breaded steak), and goulash stews served with a steamed dumpling called knedľa. Also, the "national dish" of the country are potato dumplings topped with a special sheep cheese called bryndza. Other specialties are plum dumplings - plums covered in dough, cooked and served topped with melted butter and ground poppy seeds, soups, and all kinds of sweets.

How much is a beer in Prague?

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Asked by Marvmartin

as of 2009, in the center of Prague you can expect to pay from 25-40Kc for a 0.5l beer at a 'cheap' to 'average' place. Most Czechs would think twice before paying more than 30-35Kc. At the more tourist centric places, you can pay up to 150Kc for a 0.33l glass which is considered a total ripoff for any Czech. As you go out of the center, prices are low, probably 18Kc is about the lowest you'll find a beer served to you at any place throughout the country.
Outside of the touristy Old Town and Mala Strana, beer will caost you around 18-25 koruny, which is about 1$ American for a .5 liter. Pilsner Urquell is usually a little more expensive, wheras Gambrinus, Staropramen, and Krusovice are often a little cheaper. All are excellent, especially when compared to their American counterparts. Most beers come in either light (which is different than the American Light) and Dark. And most pivnice's serve only one or two types of beer on draught, a sign outside will tell you which is served inside.

What is the telephone country code for Czechoslovakia?

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Asked by LincMad

+421 is the country code for Slovakia. Substitute your international dialing prefix for the plus sign. Thus, from most of Europe, dial 00 421; from the US and Canada, dial 011-421; from Australia, dial 0011 421.

(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)

Czech word for how are you?

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"Jak se máš?"

How was CzechoSlovakia divided into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993?

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The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia, sometimes known as the Velvet Divorce, took effect on 1 January 1993. The event saw the self-determined, peaceful split of the federal state of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. On November 13, the Federal Assembly passed Constitution Act 541 which settled the division of property between the Czech lands and Slovakia. With Constitution Act 542, passed on 25 November, they agreed to the dissolution of Czechoslovakia as of 31 December 1992. The split was spurred by both political and financial reasons.

What is the national flower of the Czech Repulic?

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It doesn't have a national flower, but it has a national tree: the Linden tree.

What are Prague citizens called?

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Czechs as they are citizens of the Czech Republic and Prague is the Capital.

Is Czech republic a republic?

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Asked by Hakar212

The Czec Republic as it's title would suggest does not have a monarchy. Before 1918 the area currently occupied by the Czec Republic was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was a monarchy.

How long does it take for mail to reach Brisbane Australia from Prague Czech Republic?

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How long does mail take from Johannesburg south Africa to townsville,Australia.

How do you say father in Czech?

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Otec, Tatinek, Tata

How do you say my name is in Czech?

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moje meno je... or you can use volam sa...

What are the two countries surrounding Czechoslovakia?

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The old Czechoslovakia was surrounded by Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, and Germany.