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It was a natural progression from chemical,

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2w ago

Organic chemistry originated from the study of compounds found in living organisms, primarily carbon-based compounds like carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. It developed as a branch of chemistry that focused on the structure, properties, and reactions of these organic compounds. The field expanded to include the synthesis of new organic molecules and their applications in various industries.

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13y ago

They originally believed something was organic if came from living organisms and only living organisms. They later synthesized urea in the lab and realized that wasn't a good definition.

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What is the term for the study of chemical substances that contain the element carbon?

The term for the study of chemical substances that contain the element carbon is organic chemistry. Organic chemistry focuses on the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and synthesis of carbon-containing compounds.

The branch of chemistry that focuses on carbon-containing chemicals is called?

Organic chemistry focuses on the study of carbon-containing compounds. It deals with the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds. Organic chemistry is central to the understanding of many natural processes and the development of pharmaceuticals, materials, and other important substances.

What are the 4 classical divisions of Chemistry?

The four classical divisions of Chemistry are organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry. Organic chemistry focuses on carbon-containing compounds, inorganic chemistry studies non-carbon-containing compounds, physical chemistry explores the underlying principles of chemical interactions, and analytical chemistry involves analyzing and identifying substances.

Does organic chemistry overlap physical chemistry?

Yes, organic chemistry and physical chemistry often overlap in areas such as spectroscopy, reaction mechanisms, and thermodynamics. Physical chemistry principles are used to explain the behavior of organic molecules, reactions, and the spectroscopic methods used to characterize them. Understanding physical chemistry can help predict and rationalize the behavior of organic compounds in various reactions and environments.

What makes organic different from other areas of chemistry?

Organic chemistry specifically focuses on the study of compounds containing carbon. This type of chemistry is centered on the structure, properties, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds, which are the building blocks of life. In contrast, other areas of chemistry may focus on different elements, inorganic compounds, or physical chemistry principles.

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What does organic chemistry involve?

Organic chemistry is the carbon compounds chemistry.

What is the term for the study of chemical substances that contain the element carbon?

The term for the study of chemical substances that contain the element carbon is organic chemistry. Organic chemistry focuses on the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and synthesis of carbon-containing compounds.

What are the corelation other subjects with organic chemistry?

Biochemistry, clinical chemistry, organic compounds industry, foods chemistry are related to organic chemistry.

What are the five major branches of chemistry?

The five major branches of chemistry are organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry. Each branch focuses on different aspects of the study of matter and its properties.

What has the author Leslie Crombie written?

Leslie Crombie has written: 'Organic chemistry' -- subject(s): Chemistry, Organic, Organic Chemistry

Why is organic chemistry importnat?

A huge number of products around us are organic substances; also organic chemistry is the chemistry of life.

What atom differentiates inorganic chemistry from organic chemistry?

Carbon: there is carbon present when it is organic chemistry.

What branch of chemistry ia used when comparing properties of alcohols with?

Organic chemistry

Is carbon organic chemistry?

Yes, organic chemistry is based on carbon.

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Iver David Reingold has written: 'Organic chemistry' -- subject(s): Bioorganic chemistry, Chemistry, Organic, Organic Chemistry

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Francis A. Carey has written: 'Chemistry' 'Study Guide and Solutions Manual to Accompany Organic Chemistry' 'Student Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry' 'Organic Chemistry with Learning by Modeling CD-ROM' 'Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry' 'Advanced organic chemistry' -- subject(s): Organic Chemistry, Textbooks 'Maruzen Molecular Modeling Kit' 'E-Book t/a Organic Chemistry' 'Advanced Organic Chemistry: Part B: Reaction and Synthesis (Advanced Organic Chemistry / Part B: Reactions and Synthesis)' 'SpartanModel' 'Organic Chemistry Study Guide' 'Chemoffice Ltd. Windows'