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Q: Where did people start investing their money during 1920s?
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What was uneven distribution of wealth during the 1920s?

The wealthier people got taxed less than the poorer people in hopes that they will spend more money.

How did people start trading?

they started trading when they didnt havre money 1920s

What exactly is investing in stocks?

Investing in stockes is when people put there money into a company and buy sell and trade stocks of that company for a profit. However you can lose substansial amounts of money or gain substancial amounts.

Can people grow money?

As on a tree or bush, not possible. But with proper investing they can make their money grow into a larger amount for retirement later on.

Why did the market crash during the Great Depression?

Because banks were taking the money from its investors and investing it in stocks, when people stopped buying stock the stock market crashed there fore people had lost all of there money. this is illegal now but it was a problem because no one was regulating the banks.

How do savingborrowing and investing help the economy?

Saving, borrowing, and investing help to keep money moving and active. When people save money in a bank, the money does not just sit there; banks loan out a portion of the money to other people. Those people buy goods and services and invest in businesses, like real estate, as well as pay the loan back with interest. This movement of money helps the economy.

How will investing money benefit me?

Investing money will help you by allowing you to put your money into a stock and then you'll make money as it rises. You should always invest when the market is low.

What are all the Options I have for Investing money?

One of the best options for investing money is to start a Roth IRA. This allows your after tax money to grow tax free.

What is the definition of investing?

To invest is to contribute money to make money.

Investing vs. Gambling?

Investing is an overused word. Throwing money into a mutual fund that you do not have the slightest clue about is hardly investing, and if the recent recession has taught us anything, it is that the word investing means more an investment of your time and attention than your money. The stock market is not right for some people, just like owning a business as an investment is not right for some people. Figure out your personality first, and what you enjoy doing over a long term period. That is where your money should go - where your attention naturally goes.

How did the increase in stock prices during the 1920s affect many stock market speculators?

Many speculators made good money during the rise. Some got over confident and increased their leverage by borrowing and investing the proceeds. Most of these lost big when the market eventually crashed. Some speculators, however, made short-sales and became richer as the market crashed.

When people buy bonds they are actually doing which?

They are investing their money. They are lending it to the company (or country) in the hopes that they do better and the bond grows, making the investor money.