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In Israel, they were 'quarantined' or kept outside of the main community. Leviticus 13 & 14 address skin communicable diseases and the priests instructions on how to cleanse the infected ones. See link below for further discussion.

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Q: Where did people with leprosy get sent in biblical times?
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Where do people sick with leprosy are confined?

in medieval towns in europe when someone would get leprosy they would be sent to an isalnd where people with leprosy live.

Where were hawaiians sent if they had leporsy?

The Hawaiians had no leprosy.

Where did people with leprosy get sent?

In Israel, they were 'quarantined' or kept outside of the main community. Leviticus 13 & 14 address skin communicable diseases and the priests instructions on how to cleanse the infected ones. See link below for further discussion. From the Middle Ages onwards in Europe and later in America, people with Hansen's Disease (leprosy) were often sent to quarantine camps, sometimes called leper colonies.

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The curse of leprosy was not sent upon the wife of Moses. The curse was sent upon his sister, Miriam, when she and brother Aaron spoke against Moses and his wife.

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In biblical times he decided that gods wrath was too much for him I.E. see Genesis.

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Its victims were often shunned by the community, kept at arm's length, or sent to a leper colony.

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I believe it is Caleb, the spy sent into canaan

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Yes it was "but if not" Biblical reference from the old testament.

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Homeless children were sent to live in a harsh place called a workhouse.

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