

Where did sacagwea take Lewis and clark to?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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She took guided to the Pacific Coast

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Q: Where did sacagwea take Lewis and clark to?
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What did sacagwea do?

Interpreted for Lewis and clark on their expedition in the Louisiana and Oregon territory

Who was sacagwea?

sacagawea was a native American who assisted Lewis and Clark during their expeditions in American for translating for them.

Why does Sacagwea have a sculptor in North Dakota?

Sacagawea was a Shoshone woman who helped the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Who is sacagwea?

Sacagwea was an important lady that helped Lewis and clark went to the ocean.She carrys a gun with her all the time.(Do you know that at my school we learned about sacagwea,davy crokett,dav roy bean,narssia witman.)

What to sacagwea after the mission with Louis and clark?

who knows? :| Jas

When did Lewis and clark meet sacagwea?

When Lewis and Clark wintered at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, there they met Sacagawea and her husband in 1804. Toussaint Charbonneau was interviewed to interpret Hidatsa for the Lewis and Clark expedition, but Lewis and Clark (esp. Clark) were not overly impressed with him. However, Sacagawea his wife spoke Shoshone and Hidatsa, so they hired Charbonneau on November 4,1804 and he and Sacagawea moved into Fort Mandan a week later. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 at this time.

Where was Lewis and clark's journey take place?

The Lewis and Clark expedition took place in Platys burgh

What famous explorers did Sacagawea travel with?

she traveled with Lewis and clark

How is Sacagwea perceived today?

She is seen as the woman who helped Lewis and Clark succeed in their journey to the Pacific and back. She was considered important enough to have her portrait on a one dollar gold colored coin.

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