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Q: Where did sir Walter Raleigh discover potatoes and tobbaco?
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Did sir Walter Raleigh discover potatoes?


When did sir Walter Raleigh discover potatoes?

Sir Walter Raleigh didn't discover potatoes. Potatoes originated in South America and were introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers around the late 16th century. Raleigh is known more for his expeditions to the New World and his attempts to establish English colonies in North America.

Where did Walter Raleigh discover?

Walter Raleigh discovered the potato and tobacco.

What was sir Walter Raleigh discover?

Sir Walter Raleigh discovered the potato and tobacco...

What did Walter Raleigh cargo home?

he brought potatoes

When did Sir Walter Raleigh discover Ghana?

Raleigh never discovered Ghana.

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What motivated sir Walter Raleigh?

I think it is discover

Did Sir Walter Raleigh discover North Carolina?

No, Sir Walter Raleigh did not discover North Carolina. He was an English explorer who sponsored several expeditions to the Americas in the late 16th century, including an attempt to establish a colony on Roanoke Island, which is in present-day North Carolina. However, the colony ultimately failed.

Why was Walter Raleigh discovery considered important?

first of all his discovery was tobacco and potatoes and the reason why thats important is because we wouldnt have either of those things if he didnt discover it. AND FOR ALL OF YOU WHO <3 POTATOES WILL PROBABLY BE MAD IF THERE WASNT ANY POTATOES!!!!!!

What new land did sir Walter Raleigh discover?

West Indies

When did sir Walter Raleigh find the potato?

he didnt discover it. he found out that they were edible.