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small pieces of debris that are from other comets, asteroid's, etc colliding together
Meteoroids are formed by; Scientists look at what they know--the form and composition of meteorites as the see it in the laboratory and the form and composition of the universe as they see it through their telescopes. They then make a guess--pose a hypothesis--as to how meteorites formed. They test the hypothesis by trying to prove it false. Following are the current theories of how meteorites formed:

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8y ago
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11y ago

As far as I know, no particular precautions need to be taken; it is not the way it is depicted in Science Fiction stories on television. The asteroids are very far apart from one another, and the chances of hitting one are fairly slim.

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14y ago

Asteroids and Comets are the leftovers from the formation of our Solar System. When we think of the Solar System, we tend to think of the Sun, its eight planets, and their moons. But there is much more going on here than meets the eye. The empty spaces of our solar system are littered with small objects known as asteroids and comets. These objects can be thought of as the leftovers of the Solar System. There are chunks of rock, ice, or both that are believed to have formed from the primordial matter that originally created the Solar System. Comets have been known since ancient times. This is because they tend to announce their arrival in grand style. As the Sun heats their cores, their long, glowing tails can be seen for weeks as the circle the Sun. These objects were once thought to be omens of disaster. Several comets return like clockwork on a cycle that brings them back every few years. Comet Halley, perhaps the most famous, returns every 76 years. Unlike comets, asteroids tend to come and go unnoticed. They are usually only seen when they enter the Earth's atmosphere. A few of the asteroids in our solar system are large enough to be observed from Earth. The first to be observed was Ceres. It was discovered by a Sicilian monk named Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801. Since that time, thousands of these objects have been discovered. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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14y ago

Here is a perfect explanation pulled from a wiki page:

The asteroid belt formed from the primordial solar nebula as a group of planetesimals, the smaller precursors of the planets. Between Mars and Jupiter, however, gravitational perturbations from the giant planet imbued the planetesimals with too much orbital energy for them to form into a planet. Collisions became too violent, and instead of sticking together, the planetesimals shattered. As a result, most of the main belt's mass has been lost since the formation of the Solar System. Some fragments can eventually find their way into the inner Solar System, leading to meteorite impacts with the inner planets.

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13y ago

In order to reach the earth's surface, the asteroid has to first enter the earth's atmosphere. This happens when the asteroids path intersects the earth's orbit around the sun. Second, the asteroid has to reach the earth's surface without eroding. As the asteroid enters the atmosphere, the high velocity of the asteroid increases the drag force, thus causing more resistance and erosion. Generally, asteroids become small before hitting the earth's surface.

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14y ago

Asteroids are formed from the same dust and gas that formed the sun and the planets in our solar system
by sand and dust in space and rocks

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12y ago

Astronomers think that asteroids are material that jupiter's gravity prevented from forming into a planet.

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13y ago

The "asteroid belt" is the theory of left over matter from when our galaxy and planets , were created.

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15y ago

Asteroids are big or small chunks of other planets that have been knocked off by other asteroids when they collide.

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13y ago

it may have been becaused by the eatrhs gravity was not stong enough

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Yes. Asteroids can enter earth's atmosphere. In such an event the asteroid will probably strike earth's surface.

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Asteroids can fall on any planet (or moon).

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The asteroids that strike earth's surface do not fall from orbit. Asteroids have fairly small masses, so their orbits are easily altered by interactions with other objects. Sometimes the orbit of an asteroid is changed such that its orbit intersects Earth's orbit. If the timing works out so that the asteroid reaches the point of interestion at the same time as Earth does, then a collision will result.

Could the world end by asteroids?

I think it might be because it can fall down into the earth one day.