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in a mattress

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The king and duke hid the money in the coffin of Peter Wilks which they stole and filled with lead before burying it. They believed this was a secure hiding spot as no one would suspect a coffin to contain anything other than a body.

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Q: Where did the king and duke hide the money?
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Where do duke and king hide the money?

The duke and king hide the money in an old rotten balloon under their mattress. They use various hiding spots along their journey to keep the money safe so that they can continue to swindle people.

King and duke hide money where in Huckleberry Finn?

In "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain, the king and duke hide the money by sewing it into the lining of an old straw mattress. They then put the mattress in the hayloft of the Wilks family's house.

How did the duke and the king plan to make money from the estate?

They held a public auction

What is hucks attitude about his part in the fraud?

he is scared that the duke and king might find out that he has the money.

Where did Huck hide the money?

Huck hid the money in Peter Wilks' coffin to keep it safe from the Duke and the King.

How did the duke and the king get money from the wilks family?

The duke and king pretended to be the long-lost brothers of the Wilks family and claimed inheritance rights to their fortune. They convinced the townspeople of their identity through deception and manipulation, ultimately swindling the Wilks family out of their money.

Where did Huck hide the Wilks girls inheritance after he stole it from the King and Duke?

Huck hides the Wilks girls' inheritance in the coffins of their deceased relatives, Peter Wilks and his brothers. He places the money in Peter Wilks's coffin, hoping it will be safe there.

Why does Huck steal the money from the mattress?

read you book;;Huck didn't wanted the king and the Duke to steal the money from kind girls. So he did steal the money.

Where do huck hide the wilks treasure?

Huck hides the Wilks family's treasure in the coffin of Peter Wilks before it is buried to keep it safe from the King and the Duke.

Which is stronger a duke or a king?

A King is a more senior position than a Duke.

Who is the king of Luxembourg?

Not a king, but a Grand Duke. His name is Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg

Who finally admits to hiding the money in the coffin in Huck Finn?

In "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," it is revealed that the person who hid the money in the coffin was the King, who later confesses to Huck. The King and the Duke were con men who used a fake identity to trick people out of their money.