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Q: Where did the macassans come from?
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What did the macassans discover?

when did the macassans come to Australia.

When was macassans born?

the Macassans was born 1942

What was the Macassans' nationality?

The Macassans were from Macassar, from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

What did the macassans trade?

They traded trepang (sea cucumber), rice and tobacco.

Why did the Macassans travel each year to Australia?

The Macassans werer the people ofye area now known as Indonesia. Hundreds of years before Europeans even discovered Australia, the Macassans came to the shores of Northern Australia to hunt for trepang, or sea slugs. These were considered a delicacy, and could be traded with other cultures.

Did only convicts and soilders come to Australia during the 16th Century?

Convicts and soldiers did not come to Australia in the 16th century (1500s) at all. The first convicts and soldiers arrived in the late 18th century, in the late 1700s. There are no remaining records of any Europeans coming to Australia in the 16th century, although Portuguese traders were believed to have visited Australia's shores. The only non-indigenous people known to have come to Australia in the 16th century were the Macassans. Macassans were Indonesian traders who sought trepang (sea slugs) off the northern coastline.

What cultures have interacted with the aborigines?

Prior to the Europeans arriving in Australia, the Macassans (an Indonesian people) traded with the Aborigines.

What was aboriginal money?

The indigenous people of Australia did not have any concept of ownership or greed, so they did not have any money. They traded goods with other tribes, and with visitors such as the Macassans, but they did not have money.

Was the influence of the macassan people positive or negative on Australia?

It could be argued that the influence of the Macassans was negative, for two major reasons. 1. The Macassans were the first to interact at length with the indigenous Australians. Their influence changed Aboriginal culture inexorably. Words from their language made their way into the Aboriginal dialects; their tools were introduced, as were hunting methods and weapons; even Asian stories and music infiltrated indigenous culture. 2. It is believed that Macassans were the first to introduce domestic cats to Australia, even before the Dutch explorers did. These domestic cats were sometimes left behind, resulting in a rapid expansion of new, feral populations, which have caused untold damage to native wildlife.

Why did the Macassar people explore Australia?

The Macassar people, or Macassans, did not really "explore" Australia, but they sought sea slugs, or trepang, along the northern coast of the continent. Trepang was a delicacy which they could trade with other people.

Why did macassar people sail to the north coast of Australia as early as 1500?

Several hundred years ago, the Macassar people, or Macassans (from modern-day Indonesia), frequented Australia's north coast to gather sea-slugs, or trepang, from along the shoreline. Trepang was a delicacy which they traded with other people.

Why weren't the Asians able to reach Australia?

They were able to reach Australia.The original inhabitants, the Australian Aborigines, came from e Indian subcontinent, which is paprt of Asia. In addition, the first non-European visitors to Australia's shores were the Macassans, people from what is now known as Indonesia. This, too, is part of Asia.