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from Finland's most famous chemist, Gadolin

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Q: Where did the name gadolinium come from?
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Chemical symbol for gadolinium?

Gadolinium = Gd

What element does the substance gadolinium belong to?

Gadolinium (Gd) is an element.

Is gadolinium a metal nonmetal or metalloid?

Gadolinium is a metal.

What is the atomic mass number of gadolinium?

the atomic mass of gadolinium is 157.25:)

Why is gadolinium named as such?

gadolinium was named as such because it was named after the origin J Galotin

How did gadolinium get its name?

It originates from the the Latin word "Gallia" which refers to France.

What is the atomic number of gadolinium?

Gadolinium, with the chemical symbol Gd, is the chemical element with the atomic number 64.

When was gadolinium discovered?


Where was gadolinium found?


Can gadolinium create electricity?


Who invented gadolinium?

No one invented gadolinium. It is an element and was formed in some star long before the existence of humans.