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Q: Where did the people living in the British colonies come from?
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Where did people come from to go to the middle colonies?

The vast majority were from the British Isles.

Why did the English form colonies in America?

== == Because the colonies were British colonies, belonging to the British king and populated by British people. The so called War of American Independence was a civil war between British people in the colonies and their king.

How did the british navy cause economic hardship for the colonists?

The 13 colonies were scared the British navy were surrounding them.

How likely is it that the people of the colonies could be persuaded to support an independent Canada that retained some of its British connections?

I need help with my home work :l come on.

What does the term ''british immigrants'' mean?

British immigrants are people who come into another country to live and they come from England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland or even one of the British colonies. The large island which contains the countries of England and Wales and Scotland is called Great Britan and the people who live there are often referred as being Brittish or the Brits.

Why did the French government finally allow settlers to Come to New France?

They were afraid that the British might take over if they don't get people living there.

Are Switzerland people British?

No!People from Switzerland are Swiss.The British come from Britain.

For what reason did the people come to the colonies and about when did they begin coming?


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Why did people come to new england colonies?

to visit their sights

From what countries did people come to settle in the middle colonies?

From Africa.

Why did British blockade afftect the colonists?

The blockage caused trade between colonies to disappear and the blockade also made it so that no outside help could come to the colonies.