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Q: Where did the water for dr Heidegger experiment come from?
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Who wrote Dr Heidegger's Experiment?

Dr Heidegger's Experiment is a short story written by the American author Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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What is the plot in Dr. Heidegger's Experiment?

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne in which an old doctor invites four friends to his study to partake in an experiment involving water from the mythical Fountain of Youth. The guests drink the water and temporarily experience a rejuvenation of their youth before reverting back to their old selves, ultimately learning a moral lesson about the futility of trying to recapture youth.

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What climax in dr Heidegger's experiment?

The climax in Dr. Heidegger's Experiment begins when the guests drink more of the elixir and become louder and more frenzied. Then, the climax peaks when the vase is broken.

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their funny

What the point of view in Dr. Heideggers Experiment?

The point of view in "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" is third-person omniscient, where the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters. This allows the reader to gain insight into the motivations and actions of Dr. Heidegger and his guests as the story unfolds.

What are the supernatural elements in Dr Heidegger's Experiment?

The entire story takes place in Dr. Heidegger's office/den. His four friends come to visit and he offers them a drink...

What seven deadly sin does Colonel Killigrew have in Dr Heidegger's Experiment?

Colonel Killigrew represents the sin of gluttony in "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Throughout the story, he indulges in drinking and revelry, displaying his excessive appetite for pleasure and enjoyment.

What do the three men have in common dr heidegger's experiment?

In "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," the three men (Mr. Medbourne, Colonel Killigrew, and Mr. Gascoigne) were all friends in their youth who fell into lives of sin, excess, and corruption. Dr. Heidegger's experiment offers them a chance to revisit their past mistakes and change their ways, but ultimately they revert to their old habits, suggesting that they have a weakness for indulgence and folly.