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Q: Where did this dinoa equals saour live brontosaurus?
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What time did the brontosaurus live?

Brontosaurus wasn't an actual species. This was an error on the part of paleontologists at the time, who reconstructed this supposed species using the bones of more than one species. So, to answer you question, the brontosaurus didn't ever live.

What period does the Brontosaurus live?

It live on Late Jurassic Period, 154-150Ma.

How long ago did brontosaurus live?

a long time i guest

Did the Brontosaurus once live in Utah?

Yes, Brontosaurus fossils have been found in Western North America in states such as Utah, Wyoming and Colorado.

What side of the world did the brontosaurus live in?

Brontosaurus is an invalid name for Apatosaurus excelsus, which lived in North America. Thus, it lived in the Western Hemisphere and in the Northern Hemisphere.

When did the brontosaurus live?

It didn't. The brontosaurus never existed; it was put together from faulty data. (The closest real-life prehistoric animal was the Apatosaurus, which lived about 150 million years ago.)

What time period did the dinosaur brontosaurus live in?

Brontosaurus is actually an invalid name for Apatosaurus excelsus. Apatosaurus existed from 154 to 150 million years ago, which was during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian stages of the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era.

When did the brontosaurus dinosaur live?

Brontosaurus is actually an invalid name for Apatosaurus excelsus. Apatosaurus existed from 154 to 150 million years ago, which was during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian stages of the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era.

Is brontosaurus is a autotroph?

An autotroph is an organism that creates its own food using an energy source, such as sunlight. Plants and algae are the most important autotrophs. However, like all animals, Brontosaurus is a heterotroph, meaning that it must consume an energy source. Brontosaurus consumed plants to get its energy.

How long ago did the brontosaurus live?

Brontosaurus is an invalid name for Apatosaurus excelsus. Apatosaurus excelsus fossils date to between 154 and 151 million years ago. This was during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian stages of the Jurassic period.

Where did the apatasaurus live?

t was a semi-aquatic creature, formerly known as the brontosaurus. It is believed to have been a land dweller. It is also the largest known dinosaur that ever lived

Did T-Rex dinosaurs eat Brontosaurus Dinosaurs?

NO!! T-rex was the king of dinosaurs. It lived 70 to 65 mya (million years ago). Brontosaurus, another names for this dinosaur is Apatosaurus. Live 160 to 150 mya SO apatosurus never seen a t-rex.