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Q: Where did wealthy colonists built large rice plantations?
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Southern colony where wealthy colonists built large rice plantations?

north carolina

Where wealthy colonists built large rice plantation?

South Carolina

Why did a wealthy elite developed in the Carolinas?

Wealthy elites formed because of large plantations and slaves that existed in the colony.

Why did north America controlled by the French have few slaves?

French colonists rarely established large plantations in North America

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The plantations were wealthy landowners in New Netherland who owned and ruled large estates.

Wealthy farmers set up large farms called?

agribusinesses to increase efficiency and maximize profits by utilizing modern technologies and economies of scale.

Why did wealthy elite develop in the Carolina's?

Wealthy elites formed because of large plantations and slaves that existed in the colony.

What region had become wealthy because of cotton grown on large plantations?

i think its north

How were wealthy planters able to do the work required on large plantations?

They hired other people to do it for them.

How were plantations in the southern colonies differents from small farms?

Southern colonies had rich soil and warm climate

Who are tidewater aristocrats?

exceptionally wealthy white families that owned large plantations on the Chesapeake Bay around 1700

What A typical large plantations in the Chesapeake region was home to a wealthy family and skilled workers along with?

Slaves and Overseers (APEX)