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It depends on what religion you are talking about, and what historical period, but missionaries have gone all over the world... of all races, but probably more white.

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Q: Where did white men serve as missionaries?
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Where did the tradition of missionaries wearing white begin?

Not all missionaries wear white. To which missionaries are you refering?

Can women be missionaries in the Mormon church?

Yes, women serve full-time missions for the Mormon church. Unlike men who may only serve between the ages of 19-26, women may serve any time after the age of 21. Both men and women must be single when they serve. Married couples serve missions together after about age 65. Another difference is that men serve for 2 years. Women serve for 18 months and couples serve for 12-18 months.

What do the Mormons mean by missionaries?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has about 65,000 missionaries serving worldwide. The Church allows single young men and women ages 18-25 and retired (married or single) men and women to serve missions. About 55,000 Mormon missionaries are 'proselyting' missionaries, meaning their responsibilities focus on finding and teaching potential converts. They serve as a sort of travelling preacher. Proselyting missionaries serve for 18 months to two years, and spend only a few months in one area before moving to a new place. Most proselyting missionaries are young college-age men and women. About 10,000 Mormon missionaries are 'humanitarian' missionaries, meaning their responsibilities focus on providing temporal care to the needy. They distribute food and clothing, provide medical care, build schools and wells, and care for orphans. They rarely, if ever, do any preaching and spend the entire length of their mission (6 months to 3 years) in the same location. Most humanitarian missionaries are older retired adults. Check out the "Related Links" below to see images of Mormon missionaries.

How do missionaries serve the lord n Russia?

by doing what they say

Mormon missions happen at what age?

A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) who chooses to serve a mission can choose from several different opportunities. Full-time missionaries serve away from home and devote all their time to missionary work. Full-time missionaries include men ages 19-25 who serve for a period of two years, women ages 21-25 who serve for a period of 18 months, and retired married couples with no dependant children living at home, who may serve for a period of 18 months to three years. Part-time missionaries usually serve in their communities and devote a few days per week to missionary work, and the rest of their time with their regular lives. Usually these missionaries are not proselyting, but serve in administrative or humanitarian capacities. Part-time missionaries are usually single or married adults or retired couples.

What jobs did the men have in the missions?

The men jobs were to work with the missionaries

Why does Missionaries wear white?

White is traditionally a sign of purity, cleanliness, and Godliness.

What was the franciscans main goal?

The main goal of the Franciscans was to help the poor and serve as missionaries.

How do missionaries serve the lord in Chile?

They pray for the people in poverty,help the poor people build houses, encourage the weak, and let the people know that the missionaries love them.

What is main legacy of missionaries in Oregon?

Missionary work in the Oregon country was not very successful because the Native Americans were very suspicious of the missionaries because of the diseases that were introduced by missionaries and white immigrants.

Do missionary baptist churches have missionaries?

Yes. In fact, Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) are quite well known for their missionary force. At any given time, they have over 50,000 missionaries serving around the world. Most missionaries are young people ages 19 to 25 who take a break in their university studies to be missionaries for 2 years. Others are retired couples. The Church rarely asks or allows families with children at home to be missionaries. There are many different kinds of Mormon Missionaries, but most spend about 50-60 hours a week proselyting and 10-30 hours a week performing service in the local community. Others are strictly service missionaries and rarely do any proselyting. To serve as a Mormon Missionary, one must discuss with their bishop to see if they meet the qualifications to serve. They then submit an application to Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. Top church officials review the applications and mail the prospective missionary a letter informing them of their mission assignment. The missionary has no choice in where they are sent, and the location could be almost anywhere, excepting a handful of communist nations, middle eastern nations, and antarctica. See the "Related Links" to learn more about Mormon Missionaries. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are often called "Mormons" by those of other faiths. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does have a worldwide missionary program. In 2010, there were 52,483 Latter-day Saint (or "Mormon") missionaries serving all over the world. Latter-day Saint missionaries serve voluntarily. Single men ages 19-25 and single women ages 21-30 may choose to serve, as well as older couples. Missionaries pay their own way for their missions. Young men typically serve for two years, young women for 18 months, and seniors may serve periods ranging from 6 months to 23 months. Missionaries may serve by knocking on doors to seek out interested parties or they may serve missions focusing more on humanitarian aid where the need is greatest around the world. Missionaries seek to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to follow the example He set in life by serving those around them. Talk with a Mormon Missionary at

Who were the first white Americans to build permanent homes in Oregon?
