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The workers used sandstone to make the pyramids

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Q: Where did workers find the stone that made up the pyramids?
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Related questions

What type of stone are pyramids made of?

the pyramids are made out of limestone.. :) happy to you :D

What were Aztec pyramids made of?

Aztec pyramids were primarily made of stone and adobe bricks. The base of the pyramids was often constructed using large stone blocks, while the upper levels were made of adobe bricks. The pyramids were then plastered and painted with vibrant colors.

What material is the pyramids of Egypt made out of?


What is the interior of pyramids made of?

stone or plaster

If pyramids of Egypt were made by mud and sand how come the rain didn't wash them away?

Not all pyramids were made from mud. The earlier pyramids such as the pyramids at Giza were made from stone. Later pyramids were made from mud bricks cased in stone. The stone casing did afford some protection from elements. Many of these pyramids where the casing has been removed or collapsed are often just shapeless heaps of dried mud.

How were the Aztec pyramids made?

Aztec pyramids were built using manual labor, with workers carrying stones and materials to the construction site. The pyramids were constructed using a stepped design with layers of stone set with mortar. Aztec pyramids were primarily made of stone, lime, and sand, with intricate carvings and decorations added to the exterior.

What are the things pyramids was made of called?

Stone: Specifically sand stone and lime stone

Were Aztec pyramids made of stone?

Yes, Aztec pyramids were made of stone. They were constructed using a combination of adobe bricks and stone blocks, with the larger temples being made predominantly of stone. The stones were often cut and shaped to fit together tightly without the use of mortar.

Were the first pyramids built out of mud?

No the first pyramids were built from stone, it were the later pyramids that were made from mud bricks

How do the pyramids of Giza differ from the stone pyramids?

The Pyramids of Giza are wonders of the world. They have three pyramids and a servant complex. The stone pyramids are different because they were usually built as step pyramids. The Pyramids of Giza were made of stone, but they had gold caps on the top. The Pyramids of Giza also have traps and mazes inside so tomb robbers won't reach the king's riches.

Where all the pyramids made out of the same kind of stone?


What materials is the great pyramids of Giza made of?

lime stone