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Q: Where do Hester and chillingworth live before America?
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Where do Hester and Chillingworth live before coming to America?


Who did Chillingworth live with before he moved to Boston?

Chillingworth lived in England with Hester Prynne before he moved to Boston.

What relationship was chillingworth to Hester?

Chillingworth is pretty much a leech attached to Dimmesdale. Chillingworth is living and thriving off the pain/guilt he is inflicting on Dimmesdale to the point where he can no longer live after Dimmesdale's death.

From what does Hester hope to save Dimmesdale by telling him the truth about Chillingworth?

Hester hopes to save Dimmesdale from the torment and manipulation of Chillingworth by revealing the truth about Chillingworth's identity as her husband. She believes that by knowing the truth, Dimmesdale can free himself from Chillingworth's control and find peace.

What does Hester Prynne want?

Hester Prynne wants to live freely without judgment or shame. She desires acceptance and forgiveness from society for her past mistakes and the ability to regain her dignity and reputation.

What did arthur decide to do to get away from roger chillingworth?

Arthur decided to escape from Roger Chillingworth by leaving Boston and going to live in Europe. This decision was driven by his guilt over his affair with Hester Prynne and his desire to start afresh away from Chillingworth's torment.

What happen at the end of the scarlet letter book?

The meteor in chapter 12 or chapter 23 where Dimmesdale finally reveals what he was hiding on his chest.

What is roger chillingworth role in the story The Scarlet Letter?

Roger Chillingworth is Hester Prynne's estranged husband who seeks revenge against her lover, Arthur Dimmesdale, in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter. He embodies themes of sin, guilt, and revenge as he relentlessly torments Dimmesdale throughout the story, ultimately leading to tragic consequences for all involved.

Where has roger chillingworth been IN THE SCARLett letter?

Roger Chillingworth has been living under an assumed identity in Boston while seeking revenge on his wife Hester Prynne's lover, Arthur Dimmesdale. He hides his true identity as Hester's husband and uses his medical skills to stay close to Dimmesdale and learn his secrets.

What future plans does Hester suggest to Dimmesdale as a way to escape Chillingworth?

Hester suggests that Dimmesdale should leave Boston and start a new life elsewhere. She proposes that they go together to Europe, where they can find peace and escape Chillingworth's hold over them. She believes that a fresh start in a new place is their best chance at happiness and freedom.

Where does Hester prynne and pearl live?

Hester Prynne and Pearl live in a small cottage on the outskirts of the Puritan town in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter." They live in relative isolation, away from the strict societal norms and judgments of the townspeople.

What does Hester resolve to do?

Hester resolves to openly confront the consequences of her actions and bear the stigma of the scarlet letter with dignity, while also protecting the true identity of her child's father, Arthur Dimmesdale. She chooses to live a life of selfless penance and devoted motherhood despite the judgement and isolation from society.