

Where do Mini lop bunny live?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Where do Mini lop bunny live?
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Related questions

What is the smallest type of a lop eared bunny rabbit?

The smallest is the mini lop.

What is the best bunny breed for starters?

some good bunny breeds for beginners are: New Zealand Dutch Himalayan Holland lop Jersey Wooly American Fuzzy Lop Mini Rex

How big is a mini lop-eared bunny?

Generally from 4 being small and 6 and a half.

How old do mini lop rabbits live to be?

All rabbits live for 7-12 years and the longest living bunny was 19 years old.

What bunny has its ears down?

Holland lop Engilish lop Mini lop Lop

Is a mini lop right for you?

I'm a girl with two younger brothers no sisters and no older siblings. I am really interested in mini lops because they are sociable and I love them. I also live on a ranch with 3 labs. I think I would enjoy a mini lop. Do you think a mini lop would be right for me?

What is the difference between a mini and a dwarf lop?

A mini lop rabbit is smaller than a dwarf lop rabbit.

What are the Varieties of lop eared rabbits?

mini lop.holland lop,giant lop,french lop eared,English lop,German lop.American fuzzy lop, that is all i know mini lop, holland lop, giant lop, french lop, English lop, German lop, American fuzzy lop

What are the 2 species of lop-eared rabbits?

Holland lop French lop English Lop Mini Lop

Why could a rabbit be much smaller than average when matured?

It can be down to many things, just as with humans even within a 'breed' bunnies can come in different sizes. i.e. French Lop range from 10 lbs to 18 lbs It could be the bunny is not the breed you thought it was, i.e. You though Standard Rex, but your bunny is a Mini Rex or you think French Lop and the bunny is a Dwarf Lop etc. It can be environmental, if the bunny hasn't had the nutrition it needed or some ill health, medications etc Your bunny could be a cross breed, so a French Lop X with a Dwarf Lop would produce a smaller bunny. It could just be genetic, the bunny is just smaller than average in the same way a person might be small or larger than average.

How can i make my 8-week-old mini lop male enjoy his bath?

i saw this on youtube, a lady sang to her bunny to calm him down while she bathed him

Where are mini lop rabbits found?

I have this rabbit, not exactly as big as a regular bunny, probably half it's size. They are either black, white, beige, brown, gray, or spotted bunnies that are needed to be handled with care.