

Where do White tigers get there water from?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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from their surroundings

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Q: Where do White tigers get there water from?
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there are no white siberian tigers. only bengal tigers can have white coats.

Where do white tigers get their water resource?

i dont know the answer.

Why do white tigers like the rain so much?

Tigers by nature enjoy water and are even known to swim across rivers and underneath water to catch prey. White tigers, like most tigers in general, will go out in the rain to cool off.

What does a white tiger drink?

Same as regular tigers, water where/when they can get it.

What are a white tigers characteristics?

White tigers are merely a rare color morph of the Bengal. They are large, powerful cats that love water, and are an endangered species.

What do white tigers do during the summer?

They spend a lot of time in or near water..Like all Bengal tigers do.

What kinds of tigers can be white?

white tigers

Why are white tigers called white tigers?

Because they are white.

Are there such things as white tigers?

Yes. White tigers have a mutation in their genes that makes them white, and they are the offspring of siberian tigers and bengal tigers.

What is the habitat of white Bengal tigers?

Habitat. White tigers habitat is well it depends on the food in the territory. It is most likely 10-30 miles. White tigers most likly live alone for a while. Their habitat also includes trees and water.

What is the name for white tigers?

White Indian Tigers

What are male white tigers called?

white tigers