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Amphibians live everywhere except in permanent deserts and the poles.

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Q: Where do amphibians live and how do they survive?
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What amphibians that live in a desert biome?

There are several different amphibians that have adapted enough to survive in the desert. Most of the amphibians are frogs or toads of one kind or another.

What are tetrapods that live on land but still depend on water to survive and reproduce?


Do amphibians live underwater or on land?

amphibians need both land and water to survive most of them spend some part of their lives in water and some on land.

What features has amphibians enable them to survive?

Amphibians have a wide range of methods to survive. Most important is their ability to survive drought.

What do fish have that amphibians do not?

Fish have gills all their lives while amphibians eventually begin using their lungs. Fish have scales, and they must live in water to survive.

Can live on land or in a water?

amphibians can live in both water and land because their body can survive in both water and land. E.G- penguins

Why tadpole cannot survive on land?

Tadpoles live in water, as they develop they grow legs and lungs which then allow the to live on land, as adult amphibians.

What helps amphibians survive?

They hibernate.

How do baby amphibians breath?

Amphibians are the type of animals that are able to live, breath and survive in both, terrestrial and underwater conditions. When they are babies, they have special breathing organs called 'gilles', when they grow up, they develop lungs, which allow them to live on land.

Does a bullfrog live on land?

Bullfrogs are amphibians, so they live at the junction of land and water. They must return to the water to survive, but they can be out on dry land for a little while.

Amphibians can live on both?

Amphibians can live on land and in water.

Are amphibians damp?

Some can be and have to stay damp to survive, such as frogs. But, many don't have to be to survive.