

Where do asteroids get there names?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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They are named often by their discoverer or in some rare cases the IAU.

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Is there only one named asteroid?

No. There are thousands of asteroids with names.

What are the names of the largest asteroids?

Cera, Pallas, Viesta, ad Hygiea.

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The three are names of asteroids (planetoids).

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The four ateroids names reported by TFAGOPG (The Four Asteroids Group of People Group) says that they are named Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. This cluster of asteroids is also called the LW asteroids. Statistics provided by: TFAGOPG and LW Asteroid Group

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Does the biggest asteroid have a name?

Yes. Many asteroids have names. The largest is called Ceres.

What are the names of asteroids that have hit earth?

While we know that asteroids have hit the Earth in the distant past, they were never named. To the extent that we have names for them, they are named for the craters they create where they hit, such as the Chixulub event that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

What are the names of the two other large asteroids?

juno and bamberga

What is Group of asteroids called?

I would just call it that - a "group of asteroids".Names of specific "groups" include the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter; the Kuiper belt; the Trojans; and others.

Other than ''minor planets'' what other names are their for asteroids?

Spacerocks I just learned that in sixth grade.

What are some of Neptune's asteroids?

There are 3 major ones that are following in Neptune's orbit, known as Trojan asteroids. They don't have official individual names yet, just designation numbers: 2008LC18, 2005TN53, and 2001QR322.