

Where do chemical rocks form?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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14y ago

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Chemical sedimentary rock is created by precipitation of minerals out of, or evaporation from, saturated solutions that are high in dissolved minerals. Rock gypsum and rock salt are two examples.

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14y ago
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1w ago

Chemical rocks, such as limestone and rock salt, form through the precipitation of minerals dissolved in water. They commonly form in environments such as shallow marine areas, caves, and salt flats where water evaporates or mineral-rich solutions encounter each other.

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12y ago

Chemical sedimentary rock is created by precipitation of minerals out of, or evaporation from, saturated solutions that are high in dissolved minerals. Rock gypsum and rock salt are two examples.

So basically You know how soil is minerals it builds up from the soil that's why rocks have minerals

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11y ago

Generally the igneous ones, though some sedimentary rocks' source materials are derived from chemcial weathering of existing rocks. Chemical changes also occur in metamorphism, especially the contact form.

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13y ago

Chemical rocks are formed of minerals which have precipitated or crystallized out of solution.

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14y ago

Chemical rocks form anywhere near water. i think.....look it up in your science textbook.

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14y ago

Chemical sedimentary rocks, like rock salt and rock gypsum.

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