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where do coffee come from ?

It comes from cocoa bean trees

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Q: Where do coffee come from?
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How does a coffee machine work so that it makes coffee?

It works like this: you put the coffee under the coffee machine and then press the botton then the coffee will come out. And so on so the coffee will come out.

Where does the brown come from coffee?

Because coffee is brown

Does the coffee maker come with coffee, or is that separate?

It comes with sample coffee flavors, after that you have to purchase the coffee separately.

Where does the name coffee come from?

Coffee comes from the Arabic qahwa meaning the same "coffee".

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How did they come up with the name coffee?

it comes from the aster that instructed coffee

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Does coffee come from the rainforest?

Coffee beans (which are roasted and used to make coffee) are not actually beans, but rather the seeds that come from several species of a plant of the genus Coffea, a member of the Rubiaceae family. Coffea are shrubs or small trees that usually grow to a height of around 10 feet.

Does coffee and tea come from the same areas in the world?

Most Tea products come from the East while most coffee products come from the West.

Where does Gevalia coffee come from?

Gevalia coffee pods are the individual, single-sized coffee baskets used in a Gevalia coffee pod brewer. The pods come in several flavors of coffee and make just a single cup. There are several ways to purchase them.

What state does coffee come from?

The only US state to grow coffee is Hawaii.

Does coffee come from a plant?
