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Q: Where do convection and conduction occur in the atmosphere?
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Explain two ways that earths atmosphere gets heated?

by convection and conduction

How does heat loss occur?

It can occur through conduction, convection and radiation.

How is the atmosphere affected by conduction convection radiation?

The atmosphere is affected by convention because convection heats the lower atmosphere. Radiation transfers energy which other gases heat up. Conduction does not impact the atmosphere in these same ways.

Why can heat travel through space by radiation but not by conduction or convection?

Because conduction and convection require particles to transfer heat. Space is a vacuum (has no particles in it) so convection and conduction cannot occur.

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How is most of the heat energy in the atmosphere transferred?

Radiation, conduction and convection,

What are 3 ways the energy is transferred in the atmosphere?

Radiation, conduction, and convection.

What are the three types of heat transfer in the atmosphere?

Convection, conduction and radiation

What are 3 ways the atmosphere moves energy?

Conduction Convection Radiation

What are the three ways heat is transferred in the atmosphere?

convection, conduction, and radiation

How does conduction occur in a hot water system?

Conduction doesn't occur in fluids. Convection currents are the form in which heat travels in fluids.

Describe how radiation.conductionconvection heat up atmosphere?

describe how radiation,conduction,and convection heat up atmosphere?