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Q: Where do electrical messages to the muscle come from?
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How do ions and electrical charges play a role in communication with the muscle?

Ions and electrical charges, such as the potassium and sodium pump allow for the movement of messages along a neuron and that specific neuron (in this case motor) alerts the muscle to move.

What does galvanis experiment tell us about the way nerves carry messages to muscles?

Galvani\'s experimet tells us that nerves carry messages to the muscle through electrical impulses.

What do muscle nerves do?

muscle nerves carry messages from the brain to tell the muscle to contract.

Do nerves relay messages?

Nerves relay messages by transmitting an electrical impulse.

How do electrical tests diagnose periodic paralysis?

Electrical tests of muscle and a muscle biopsy show characteristic changes.

These neurons bring messages into the nervous system?

Well not messages but electrical impluses which the brain can interpret.

How do the neurons sent messages to the brain?

electrical impulses

The tissue that carries electrical messages throughout the body is?


What cell carries electrical messages?

Nerve cells. They are really more chemical than electrical, however.

What sends messages to your brain and spinal cord and muscle cells?

Synapses let the "message" travel to muscle cells.

How are messages carries in neurons?

Neurons send electric impulses to your cells via the dendrites. The Axons carry the electrical impulses away from the cell. This process sends out signals to your brain for all of your body processes such as muscle movement.

What does the axon you in a nerve cell do?

The axon carries the action potential from the neuronal cell body to the effector (muscle or gland).