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I only know one enlightened person, and she has told me that after death she will go everywhere, because she is one with the universe.


This physical world is a shadow mirror of the next non-physical world. We all go to the same non-physical world when we die in this life. Just as there are many forms of life here, there are many forms of human souls there. Baha'i scripture states that at death we are given the form that best suits our immortality. Our motives and actions here will have some impact on what form we will have there. Very selfish, self-centered individuals without many spiritual virtues will have a minimal form and not be able to function very much.

Souls who in this life have been very generous, thoughtful, kind, loving, self-sacrificing, etc. will have many spiritual virtues and will have a form to enable them to do many things.

So, the question becomes: do you want to be a spiritual rock in the next world? Or, do you want to be a powerful, functional spiritual being? The choice is yours by your motivations and actions here and now.

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Q: Where do enlightened people go after physical death?
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