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They hatch from fruit your sink if your not careful !wash your fruit off when you get it and clean out your sink AT LEASTevery week.

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Q: Where do fruitflies come from?
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What do fruitflies eat?

Fruit! :D

Is a fruitfly an omnivore?

Nope! FruitFlies are 100% Herbivore, eating fruit, garabage, and such.

What do Marbled Orb weavers eat?

Marbled Orb Weavers eat Fruitflies and how they eat is a ??? to me

What is the feeding behavior of a fruitfly?

There so much to put in so here I found in Googlebooks - Fruitflies (teptritidae) By Martin Aluja, Allen Lee Norrbom. Seems to answer a great deal of what you need.

Why do so many animals look so similar?

Because of evolution. tiny changes over billions of years have shaped every living thing on the planet. We share 60% of our genes with fruitflies.

What was the first animal that return to earth aftr space travell?

First one was an insect, they were fruitflies. The Soviets launched 2 dogs, and were the first living higher organisms to succesfly recover from a spaceflight.

Which country launched the fruitfly to go to space?

A pair of fruitflies were sent into space by the United States. This took place in the late 1940s, and the flies were the very first living creatures to go into space.

Are flies vertebrates?

Yes! Flies are invertebrates (an animal without a back bone), they belong to the insects catergory which belongs to invertebrates.

What do orb weavers eat?

Orb weavers Spiders eat a variety of flying insects including moths and flies. They are the most common form of spider found near homes and barns.

What do baby cameleons eat?

This depends on the species, there are 150+ species, the smallest less than an inch long as an adult and the largest over 2 feet. They will eat what ever they can fin in their mouth in nature. In captivity it is common to feed with small crickets and fruitflies.

What do baby green anoles eat?

I've had a baby brown anole for a few months now and the only thing I have found small enough to feed her are flightless fruitflies. They can be purchased at most Petco's and online. They are the size of a normal fruitfly, but are unable to fly.

What do baby brown anole lizards eat?

I've had a baby brown anole for a few months now and the only thing I have found small enough to feed her are flightless fruitflies. They can be purchased at most Petco's and online. They are the size of a normal fruitfly, but are unable to fly.