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Q: Where do heroes go in the underworld?
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What is the most desirable part of the Underworld?

The most desireable part of the underworld is the Fields of Elysian. (where great people and heroes go when they die)

Where do heros go in greek mytholagy?

In Greek and roman Mythology heroes went everywhere in Greece.

He's desceneded into the underworld and survived?

Odysseus, Heracles, and Orpheus did so, among other heroes.

Is Hades the place all people go after they die and are there different parts of Hades?

Hades is the god of the underworld, however hades is also another name for the underworld. So, yeah, hades is the place where people go to when they die. The different parts of the underworld are Tartarus for the bad baddies Field of punishment for the bad Field of asphodel for the good Elysium for the really good, heroes Hades I'd not hell

Who were Hades' enemies?

hades' worst enemies are heroes who breaks into the underworld and also his brothers(Zeus and Posideon) for giving him the worst job(god of death and the underworld) and not giving him a seat on Olympus

Why did Odysseus go to the underworld?

Odysseus went to the Underworld to get advice for his journey home.

Did Odysseus go to the underworld?

Odysseus went to the Underworld to get advice for his journey home.

Did Achilles believe in life after death?

All Greeks n the myths, especially the heroes, believed in the underworld and life after death

Where did Odysseus have to go to find out how to get home?

He had to go to the Underworld !

Is the Greek underworld hell?

No the Greek underworld is not hell because it has a certain place where the souls of good people go where as hell is a place where unsaved bad souls go, although there is a spot in the underworld were bad souls do go.

What if pharaohs were not mummified?

If pharos were not mummified, the would go the the underworld with no body. the part that they didn't cover in linen wouldn't go to the underworld.

What does Helios mean by his threat yo go down forever to the light the dead men in the underworld?

threatens zeus to go to the underworld