

Where do leopards hide?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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14y ago

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leopards hide in trees and bushes

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Q: Where do leopards hide?
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How does the color help the leopards hide?

with their fur

How are leopards different from other large cats?

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Where do snow leopards hide?

Among the pine trees, snow drifts and rocks.

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The stops help hide the leopard from its p

How do normal leopards behave?

leopards behave differently than most wild cats. They are lonely creatures, only coming together to mate. They are nocturnal and during the day, hide in big trees and sleep.

Do leopards in rainforests make homes?

in rainfortests they mostly hide up in trees or find a dry place to sleep. hope this helped you

What are leopard's structures of defense?

Leopards have camouflage to hide from their enemies and prey. They have powerful leg and jaw muscles to chase their prey and clamp down.

Why can't leopards play hide and seek?

Because they are always spotted. They can't avoid being spotted.

Why do leopards live in the mountains?

Leopards are very adaptable animals - They can live in almost any environment. They live mountainous areas because they are good climbers and there are plenty of places to hide,. Some of their favourite food (dassies & baboons) also live in mountains.

Do leopards have spots on their skin?

Spotted leopards do, but other leopards don't - such as black leopards.

Do snow leopards like where they live?

most likely .. because some animals like it warm and others like it a little bit cold . Snow leopards look like they like where they live because the snow matches their fur and it can help them blend in and hide from predators and prey . if it is snowy .

Are snow leopards relatives of leopards?

Panthers and other leopards