

Where do men produce sperm?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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15y ago

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In their testicles.

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7mo ago

Men produce sperm in the testes, which are two oval-shaped organs located in the scrotum, outside the body. The testes contain tiny coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules where sperm cells are produced through a process called spermatogenesis.

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Why do guys have sperm?

Men produce sperm for the purpose of reproducing.

Where does women's sperm come from?

Women do not produce sperm ! Women produce eggs - which are developed in their ovaries !

Do octongenarians produce sperm. At what age does the sperm god stop an old man from producing sperm?

Most Men can and do produce sperm all their life, Unlike women, men produce live sperm continuously throughout their life. As they age, the ability to get an erection may impeded their ability to deliver it, and new research shows that it is not as lively & vigorous as men age, but most men produce sperm from Puberty throughout their lifetime.

Do men produce sperm at age 55?

Of course they do. Sperm is produced whole life time

Does every men produce sperm?

No. Unlike women who are born with eggs, men only begin to produce sperm in the testes during / after puberty.

What is the Difference between men sperm and women?

women hold the sperm to produce a baby.

How do men produce hi quantity sperm?

By eating vagina

How do men produce sperm?

About 280 million sperms per ejaculate are produced by men.

Can men produce sperm anytime?

As long as they have gone through puberty

Did a 60 years old woman produce sperms during sex?

Women can not produce sperm. Only men can.

If the girl has attained menopause do she still produce semen fluid lub not including sperm?

Women do not make sperm only men do.

Can dwarf men produce sperm?

yes. an example is little people big world.