

Where do mudslides happen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Mudslides can happen anywhere in which there are soil slopes that are saturated with water. They tend to be more likely to occur in steeper slopes that have been deforested or where vegetation is sparse as this allows rainfall to enter the soil more rapidly and also reduces evapo-transpiration losses (so the soil is wetter than it would otherwise be which reduces it's effective strength due to increases in pore water pressure).

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Related questions

How mudslides happen?

mudslides happen when heavy rain turns into mud and falls down a steep hill and turns into a mudslides.

Do mudslides happen in the winter?


Do mudslides occur often?

they only happen in may

Where do are mudslides happen?

they happen in Ohio, Tennesse, Calofornia, Kentucky, and Puerto Rico. Maybe.....

What countries were affected by mudslides?

Mudslides are common and happen frequently. However, many of them are small and do not cause damage. The United States and Italy are two countries that mudslides occur in. Greece and Turkey also experience mudslides.

Where do mudslides usually happen?

where there has been a lot of flooding after a lot of rain and flooding, the soil loosens and slide down a hill.

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· mudslides· Mudslides

What effects do mudslides have in Texas?

There has not been any mudslides in Texas I think

How landslides and mudflows different?

mudslides are mud and happen when it rains alot, landslides can be caused by lots of rain but are usually caused by earthquakes

When and where in the US do mudslides happen?

Mudslides can occur almost anywhere, but mostly they seem to occur in parts of the US where there is a mountainous region that has been experiencing a prolonged drought; and then suddenly, the area experiences heavy rainstorms. These intense downpours can trigger mudslides, which is what occurred, for example, in Southern California's Antelope Valley in October of 2015.

How does gravity occur in mudslides?

Gravity does not occur in mudslides. Gravity exists wherever there is mass.

How long do mudslides last?

Mudslides last for probably a minuet to fifty minuets :D