

Where do narwhals hunt?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Narwhals hunt in places where fish are

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Who likes to hunt narwhals for their oil?

Chinese people

Why do the Inuits still hunt narwhals?

They are hunter-gathers and still hunt for their food. They build their own shelters as well.

Why are native Inuit people allowed to hunt narwhals legally?

because resources

What do you need to do to save the narwhals?

Luckily, narwhals are not yet endangered, although it is still illegal to hunt them. For more information do a Google search, there is loads of help there :)

Why are the narwhales not endangered?

The Inuit people are legally allowed to hunt the narwhals to sustain themselves.

Why narwhals are narwhals endangered?

Narwhals are listed as "Near Threatened" by the IUCN.

What is the narwhal protection?

No. The Inuit people are allowed to hunt Narwhals for meat, as there are very little vitamins in the northern climate, the general habitat of the Narwhal.

How do narwhals find their food?

Narwhals hunt their prey by using sound to locate prey. They are believed to feed by swimming towards prey until it is within close range and then sucking it with considerable force into the mouth.

Where can you find a narwal?

you can find narwhals in the arctic circle as this is where they hunt for food watch frozen planet on the bbc for more info

What is being done to save narwhals?

Multiple countries, the US for example, have banned the importation of narwhal tusks. This cuts down on the number of people who would hunt narwhals for their expensive tusk. Also many countries, in Europe for example, have limited the number of narwhals a region can kill per annum. This, however, negatively affects some peoples who exist almost solely on the narwhals.

Are there any furniture makers who specialized in Narwhal tusks?

It is illegal to hunt Narwhals and to use their horns. If you are really unsure you can get a more specific answer from a Google search :)

Why are narwhals called narwhals?

because they can