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endocrine system

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Q: Where do neurons originate from?
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Where do sympathetic fibers originate?

The sympathetic motor neurons come from the thoracic through the lumbar region of the spinal cord.

Postganglionic fibers that innervate targets in the body wall or thoracic cavity originate on neurons within?

sympathetic chain ganglia

What has the neuron got to do with the brain?

So, neurons are in the blood vessels. blood vessels originate from the brain. So, the main source of the cardiovascular system starts with the brain. Then arteries and veins spread all over the human body. and neurons lie within the vessels.

Where do impulses to the muscles originate?

The "impulses" to skeletal muscles come primarily from alpha motor neurons in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. These neurons release acetylcholine on the muscles, which causes sodium to enter the muscle, leading to contraction. The alpha motor neurons themselves get input from several sources, such as the primary motor area in the cerebral cortex of the brain. However, even this brain area gets input from other brain areas, including sensory areas. In a certain sense, the impulses to the muscles "originate" from the environment in the form of sensory signals.

What are neurons called that detect stimuli in the skin and eye?

sensory neurons

Are neurons that relay impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons?

Sensory Neurons

Sensory neorons and neurons are connected by-?

Sensory neurons and neurons are connected by Interneurons.

What are neurons that carry information between sensory neurons and motor neurons?

Interneurons or association neurons.

What type of neurons are multipolar?

Motor neurons and intern neurons

What is. The function of associative neurons?

The neurons form the bodies nervous system.

What are neurons that relay impulses from sensory to motor neurons?

Sensory Neurons

Sensory neurons are also known as?

Afferent Neurons