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Down your leg or on your face.

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vas deferens

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Q: Where do sperm go immediately after leaving the testis?
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Where do sperm go after leaving the vas deferens apex?

ejaculatory duct

What can you do if your penis is having pain and does not produce sperm?

Go to the doctor...IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could a boy get a girl pregnant is he didnt go threw puberty?

It is not likely. Because the testis hasn't matured enough to produce fertile sperm.

Explain the importance of having the testis located in the scrotal sacwhich is outside the abdonimal cavity among male mammals?

It keeps the testis one or two degrees cooler than the rest of the body. This is important because the sperm made in the testis prefer the cooler temperature. You'll notice that if you go into a cold pool or other body of water your scrotum will retract into the body a bit. This is to regulate the temperature and keep it sufficiently warm for the sperm. Its all about making sure the sperm is not too hot or too cold.

What part of the body is responsible for making sperm?

The Testicles. They go to the epididymis to mature for a few monthes then through the vas deferens to the different glands then get ejaculated.

Should you blow somebody standing up?

the answer is no. You have to stay on your knees or even go in bed for a comfortable blow. If not the sperm will splatter and die immediately

Why testis is small?

tell me how much small they are and then i can help you......go to hell.

What is the correct sequence for sperm traveling through the organs of the male reproductive system?

The movement of sperm through the male reproductive system begins in the testes where sperm are produced. From there, the sperm move through the epididymis, the vas deferens and finally through the urethra.

Why testis pain when semen comes out?

Don't wait for an answer from here - go to your doctor ASAP !

When you go through puberty do your balls get bigger?

Yes, they do get bigger. The first sign of puberty is the increase in the size of testis.

How do you treat testis lump?

You need to go to the doctor and have it evaluated. It could be harmless, but it could also be testicular cancer.

Where to go to get tested for low sperm count?

Go to your doctor or a urologist, who can check if you have low sperm count.