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Q: Where do spiney backed orb weaver live?
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Where does the spiny orb weaver spider live?

the orb weaver is found on the southern part of the United states

Where do orb weaver spider live?

Orb weaver spiders live all around the world. There are over 4,000 known species. The spiders will live anywhere there are bugs to eat.

What type of spider has orange legs and white backs?

Ok so it could be a Triangulate Orb Weaver, & Marbled Orb Weaver.

What spider starts with the letter O?

The orb-weaver spider is an invertebrate with 8 legs. It begins with O

Can orb weaver spider jump?

Yes they can...

Is the orb weaver spider able to produce 6 different kinds of silk?

Yes, a orb weaver can produce six different kinds of silk.

How many species of orb weaver are there?

There are 3,006 species in 168 genera worldwide, making Araneidae or orb weaver the third largest family of spiders known.

Is the orb weaver poisonous?

No, it is venomous though. It is not medically significant.

Is the Golden Orb Weaver Spider an indoor spider?

Golden Orb Weaver Spiders are more common in the outdoors. This is because they weave very large and impressive webs that often require a lot of space. Now one interesting thing about spiders is that they can adapt to changes in their environment rapidly, giving the spider limitless places to live. So this being said, it is not uncommon to find a Golden Orb Weaver spider inside a house or indoors somewhere.

How fast does a orb weaver spider travel?

as fast as sam's hair

What kinds of spiders is bright orange found in VA and about the size of the head of a teaspoon that's including the legs?

could be a Marbled Orb Weaver or a Golden Orb Weaver

Where are Golden Silk Orb Weaver found?

The Golden Silk Orb Weaver Spider can be found living in the forests or swampy areas. The Golden Silk spider is also known as a Banana Spider.