

Where do stars begin their lives?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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A star begins its life in cool clouds of dust and gas called a nebula.

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Q: Where do stars begin their lives?
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Stars begin their lives as clouds of gas and space dust.

How do all-stars begin their lives as parts of?

nebulas =-)

How do all stars begin their lives part of?

nebulas =-)

All-stars begin their lives as a part of what?

All-stars begin their lives as a part of a molecular cloud in space. These clouds contain gas and dust that eventually collapse and form stars through the process of nuclear fusion. The intense pressure and heat at the core of the collapsing cloud triggers the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, leading to the birth of a new star.

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larger stars have longer lives, because as stars burn they are slowly burning up fuel and begin to cave in on themselves. the larger, the more fuel, the more fuel, the longer lasting.

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Long-lived stars begin their lives with less mass and a smaller amount of hydrogen fuel. and Long-lived stars are less luminous during their main-sequence lives.

How did stars begin?

God created stars. Bless

What are facts about protostars?

1.Nebula ( plural for nebulae) are the birth place of stars. 2. If a critical temperature in the core of a protostar is not reached, it ends up a brown dwarf. 3. Stars begin their lives inside molecular clouds.

How do stars begin and end their lives?

Sometimes a blue giant star will explode at the end of its life and and if there happens to be a chunk of leftover star substance, a new star will be created.

How do you give Mario 100 lives and 120 stars in a Mario 64 ROM?

if u get all 150 stars u get 100 lives and u have to get the freaking stars

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Small stars live longer

All-stars begin as a?

As a ball of fire