

Where do steamboats usually travel?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Where do steamboats usually travel?
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What advantages did steam boat travel have over wagon and hove travel?

The advantages of steamboats over horse traveling was that steamboats were much faster and cheaper.

How did steamboats improve water travel?

made it a faster way to travel

What made river travel more reliable and upstream travel easier?


What kinds of people travel on these steamboats?

only business men

How did steamboats change travel?

it made trade easier and it was faster transportation

Why couldn't steamboats travel the Appalachian mountains?

no navigable rivers crossed the mountains

What did Robert Fulton's idea prove?

He proved that steamboats could move people and goods quickly and cheaply. He also proved that steamboats were an easier way to travel upstream.

How were steamboats from 1922 evolve?

the steamboats evolved in lots of ways. It has especially evolved as far as style, look, and color. Also how far of a distance they can travel in one day.

What kind of people travel on steamboats?

the answer doesnt ask what kind of ethnicity or race travels

How did steamboats revolutionize the movement of people of goods?

they made the travel much faster on the Mississippi River

What were the benefits of steamboat travel?

the benefits are that before steamboats, a long distance up these rivers were impossible.