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Most bone sutures in the human skeleton are found in the cranium (skull).

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Q: Where do sutures in human bones mainly occur?
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Are the spaces between skull bones that have not ossified called sutures?

Spaces between skull bones that have not ossified usually occur from birth to age two and are called fontanels. By age two, the fontanels close and become sutures.

Where does hematopoeisis occur in your body?

Haematopoesis occurs in the marrow of the human bone (i.e. in all bones of the human body).

What shape is the parietal bone?

The parietal bone is a flat bone because it is located in your skull

What is the most common bone in the human body?

All bones because they occur in everyone, but you have a bunch of ribs.

Where does hematopoesis occur?

Hematopoesis is the production of the blood cells. It normally occurs mainly in the bone marrow, in adults usually in large bones such as the femur. In children it occurs in smaller bones as well. In some conditions it can occur in the liver, spleen, and other organs.

Which joints are most remembered for their sutures?

The joints that are most remembered for their sutures are the fibrous joints. These joints only occur in the skull and are bound together by Sharpey's fibers.

What kind of joint is a cranial suture both structurally and functionally?

Sutures are a type of fibrous joint that only occur between bones of the skull, or cranial bones and allow only tiny amounts of movement. The bone edges interlock and the gaps are filled with tissue fibres (hence the name fibrous joints). During middle age, the tissue fibres ossify (become bones) so that the skull bones fuse into one single unit. The immovable nature of sutures helps protect the brain, as any movement of the cranial bones would damage the brain. But to answer the actual question that is asked, it is a synarthroses.

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They occur more frequently in fall. Mainly in Japan and areas by the equator. Atlantic Coast mainly.

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Why do hurricanes occur mainly along the equator?

They don't. They do mainly occur in the tropics though, as they are fuel by the moisture that evaporates from tropical ocean water.

When do bones allow movement to occur?

Your movable bones are attached to skeletal muscles by tendons. Your muscles move to pull the bones, which are often attached by semi-restricted ball-joints, like in your elbows and knees.