

Where do tablets go when you swallow them?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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in your stomach u fat C**T!

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Q: Where do tablets go when you swallow them?
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By mouth. Swallow whole.

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dissolve under your tongue.

What are advantages and disadvantages of tablets?

The advantages of tablets include the fact that there are many brands available and in different strengths. Tablets are designed to cure specific ailments. The disadvantages of tablets include being difficult to swallow and some have unpleasant side effects.

Can you swallow calcium and vitamin d tablets whole?

Some calcium tablets are chewed, others are swallowed whole. If vitamin D is in an oil caplet, swallow whole; if in a solid tablet, it does not matter.

If you swallow sperm where does it go?

if you swallow anything where does it go? the stomach

Do tablets go out of date?

It depends on what type of tablets but yes many tablets do go out of date.

What does two to be taken daily mean?

I assume this question is about taking medicine (tablets)? In which case, it means that you take (swallow) two tablets together once each day.

What is the meaning of the word caplet?

A caplet is a tablet-shaped medication that is coated for easier swallowing. It is a type of pharmaceutical dosage form designed to release the drug gradually in the body.

Why can't i swallow tablets?

Some people cannot physically swallow tablets as they have a bad gag-reflex and so they can't swallow solid objects. Younger children or anyone who haven't taken tablets before might become afraid that they can't do it but they have to learn soon in life as they will be using them as they grow older.

Does it matter if you eat chewable tablets with water instead of chewing it?

No it dos not matter. To me when you swallow it it hurt my thought.

Prevelance of patients that cannot swallow tablets and have osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis?

They would be a tiny minority and if they have RA they will soon learn how.